Wednesday, May 18, 2011

On our way to the suburbs

Uneventful 3 ½ hour drive through more beautiful countryside (with a stop at a cute little restaurant in tiny Montagu) to Camps Bay.  Camps Bay is a wealthy residential seafront area with stunning views  and prime beach area.  Just as we approached the town, Steve noticed the brakes weren’t working properly as we coasted by our first right turn in Camps Bay towards our next “home,” Sea Five .  Limped through the second stop and luckily were just around the corner and made it to Sea Five with a burning smell coming from the car—yikes!

View from our room

View from our room

Breakfast area in Sea Five
 Sea Five is a beautiful feng shui type boutique hotel of 10 rooms—normally very expensive, but well worth it as part of our Mantis package.  Took a walk down the hill to the busy main street, and just stumbled into Bayside Café facing the waterfront…just okay, but we merely needed to eat and then collapse into bed, since our day began many hours earlier with our last game drive in Sanbona.  Nice views from the front deck and our room.  Lots of seafront restaurants and bars on a busy main street.

Rose from Sea Five made the arrangements for a car replacement and by noon a new car was in place and we were good to go.  Headed for the scenic Chapman’s Peak Drive with a quick stop in Hout Bay’s community center, which held an original literacy center—but now a little craft center with products made by participants from the literacy project. 

Made a quick stop at the popular Boulder's Beach, where 3,000 jackass penguins roam wild. 

Continued on for a beautiful trip to Cape Point/Cape of Good Hope via the spectacular Chapman’s Peak Drive.  Quite stunninf panoramas—followed by equally breathtaking views from the Cape’s southerly most point of Africa, where the Atlantic and Indian Ocean meet at Cape Point near the Cape of Good Hope. 

Chapman's Peak Dive

False Bay from Chapman's Peak Drive
 Ran out of time, or we would have taken the funicular up to the top.  Made it home in time for our dinner at CodFather for a great dinner (no menu, picked fish from a display case, and paid by weight.)  We had some good sushi, followed by our selected fish platter of swordfish, prawns, and yellow fin—yum.   

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