Friday, May 13, 2011

Cape Town to Sanbona Wildlife Reserve

Made our way to Sanbona without too much difficulty…biggest challenge is staying in the middle of the correct lane.  Seems that it feels quite different not only on the other side of the street but with the steering wheel on the other side of the car from what we are used to in the US.  Somehow managed the 3 ½ hour drive—gorgeous views along the way!

Arrived in spectacular Sanbona, transported to the lodge, and then settled into our fabulous tented lodge. 

Following a pleasant lunch, grabbed several extra layers and took off for our first safari at 3:30 with our able guide, Alvin, and one other guest, Shoba from England.  We will be together for the next 3 days.  During our first (very bumpy) drive, we didn't see a lot of animals other than several varieties of antelope (eland, kudu), a journey of giraffes (yes, that is what a group is called), a bit disappointing—but quite impressed with what we saw of the beautiful 54,000 hectares of Sanbona.  Very chilly, but with multiple layers and provided blankets we enjoyed the outing.  Fell into bed by 9:30, exhausted but eager to see what adventures we would have the next day.

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