Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Last Day in Cape Town

A leisurely day in Cape Town at the Waterfront.  Said our farewells to our helpful host Antony, at Blackheath Lodge.  Cabbed to V& A Waterfront to spend a few hours checking out the two craft barns (individual craft stalls with local art, jewelry, crafts, etc.), walking through the large mall to Willoughbys for a great sushi lunch, and strolling around on a sunny day.  They have done a nice job redoing the harbor area as an attraction, though the shopping mall feels very touristy, lots of familiar stores, and some local.  Great nine foot tall sculpture display at Nobel Square honoring 4 Nobel Peace Prize Winners:  Albert Luthuli (1960-while still under house arrest), Desmond Tutu (1984), FW DeKlerk (1993), and Nelson Mandela (1993). Table Mountain, Kruger National Park, and V&A Waterfront are the three biggest tourist attractions in SA. 

Back to Blackheath to pick up our car for an uneventful trip to the airport.  Probably won’t be undertaking renting a car in a country that is set up different than the US—too scary!  See next post for final thoughts and pictures. 

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