Sunday, February 13, 2011

Less than 90 days to go!

It's a beautiful, sunny, 45 degree February day in Buffalo Grove--less than 90 days to go to our South African Adventure!  Our reservations are made--departing evening of May 5th for London then May 6th for Capetown, arriving the morning of May 7th.  We will be two nights at 2Inn1 Kensington  then off to Sanbona Wildlife Preserve for our fabulous four day safari!  Then we head to two nights at Sea Five in Camps Bay along the west coast facing the Atlantic, returning to Capetown and the BlackHeath Lodge for our final two nights.  I'll replace this picture of Table Mountain once I have one of my own--and after I finally make a decision on which camera to purchase!  We're very excited to undertake this adventure! 

Only periodic entries for the next few months--but will then fill it up!